Health services across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) have recently announced that they are implementing changes that narrow the referral criteria for children and young people to obtain an Autism diagnosis.

Bristol, North Somerset and South Glos Parent Carer Forums collectively urge the services to reconsider this decision as we believe that a diagnosis is important for so many families and can be especially important for a child young person's identity and understanding of their neurodiversity. It is therefore imperative that support and diagnosis happen in tandem.

Parent Carer Forums act as a conduit for amplifying the lived experience of children and young people with Special Education Needs and/or Disabilities. Our Needs Led Survey Outcomes reported that many families place significant value on a diagnosis. This is in part due to the challenges that parent carers often face in accessing appropriate support for their family. In many cases, a formal diagnosis can accelerate access to the support and services that families require.

Whilst we recognise that changes to the autism pathway are needed and the significant pressure the health service is under from both staff recruitment, retention and increases in demand, we firmly believe that needs-led support should not come at the expense of a formal diagnosis for those who seek it.

We collectively urge health services to consider the feedback from our survey and ensure that their policies and practices reflect the needs and preferences of families. By working together in this way, we can ensure that all autistic children and young people and their families, receive the best possible support and care.

The 3 Parent Carer Forums across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire are looking to collect the views that families may have regarding the new assessment criteria for Autism. To help us manage your views we are asking families to complete the following form so we can collate all your thoughts together which will help us to represent your voices.   

All of your responses will be stored securely and kept confidential and anonymous. 

Information From Sirona: